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First Global Team call of 2021 - TeamCall 2021Q1 1 - Dominic Osborne - Entrepreneur

One of the organizations I am involved with for philanthropic purposes had its first Global Team call on Wednesday 6th January 2021! 

It was great to be back amongst an even larger group this Quarter (39 people on this call, if memory serves) to start the year off with a bang.

Discussions this time revolved around all of the new systems and procedures to roll out as we go forward. There was a great showing of leadership and inspiration by Michelle Ricketts, Darren Jacklin, and Tatiana Mersiadis.

I was invited also to reveal the initial non-public website for the team’s use, which will serve as a dashboard for the team members across 5 continents; and contain systems info, processes, training and mini courses to get everyone and future new people coming onboard up to speed as quickly and efficiently as possible.

It’s honestly been very enjoyable to witness the new team structures take shape. I am looking forward to a productive 2021!